How Can We Help

▋  How Can We Help

Does this sound familiar??


• Parts of products are not built to the specifications of your engineering data.
• Approval samples are received and approved but production shipments are manufactured to lower standards and quality.
• There is a "communications blackout". No one returns emails or messages, or nobody speaks English.
• Original price quotations suddenly change and rise in cost.
• Parts have been shipped, but nobody knows where they are or why there is a delay in deliver.
• You’ve received another company’s products instead of yours.
• Packages received are delivered in sub-standard packing materials and arrived damaged.
• Off the shelf components that are sourced, are not to correct specifications given, although stated as a direct equivalant.
• Incorrect or undesired quantities are delivered.
• Products or components are manufactured poorly or out of tolerance, but shipped anyway
• Tooling you own and have paid for is used for a competitor’s product.

How we can help!                  
If you have experienced any of the above while dealing with Chinese and other Asian Companies, then Designs Midwest can help you. We pride ourselves in putting you, the customer, first and the factories we contract second. We do not represent any one factory and therefore are not paid by any factory to promote only their business. We represent only you, the customer.